The Friends of  Fort Malden

The Friends of Fort Malden is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with Parks Canada to preserve and promote the heritage of Fort Malden Historical Site and the value of local history.

Though special events, the Friends of Fort Malden generates awareness and funding to support summer youth employment at Fort Malden as well as other local historic programs.

The Friends of Fort Malden assists with all of the special events at the Fort, often providing food services to re-enactors and participants.

In addition to events run by Parks Canada and other third party partners, the Friends of Fort Malden have also held other events to help showcase the fort to other potential audiences.

The Friends of Fort Malden remains the most active historical community association in the region and helps inspire local citizens to appreciate and value their heritage.

For more historical information about Fort Malden please see the following links:


Executive officers

President/Treasure - Jeremy Warnock

Vice President - Jeffrey Mellow

Secretary - David May

Serjeant-at-Arms - Mark Feltoe


board of directors

Robert Budziosz

Joyce Cherwak

Dale Kidd

Sarah Oszter

Alex Russell



Alex Dale (Parks Canada)


Some photo's provided by: Laurens Andrew Van't Zelfde